Is it boys…is it girls?? | I used to be a badass
Is it boys…is it girls??
Before I share the big reveal I need to explain the name of my blog, plus it’s fun to keep ya waiting just a wee bit longer.
Chris and I had just closed up shop here at Urban Surf after the busiest season yet. We took off to our favourite spa in Niagara on the lake, The Pillar & The Post. Despite how shitty I had felt I sucked it up as I knew we both needed to get off the property. I was only 2.5 months pregnant, so not showing in the belly, but totally gonna fill in my bikini top at the pool which I won’t lie I was stoked about! Normally on this trip we would be packing up our longboards and carving down the vineyard lined streets for hours on end, but not this time. Chris and I still wanting a little need for speed, we decided to rent some ebikes.
So it was this bike excursion down the waterfront trail that I had a “wow I used to be a badass… I would have totally done that before” moment. As I am sure all women have had an event that made them think this at some point or another.
See Chris was 100 feet ahead of me on the trail that day, me one hand riding the brakes of the bike and the other tucked in my jeans holding my belly as I was worried the babies could get hurt or fall out. Every bump, stick, or bridge I had to go over I went with ease. I really had no business being on that bike that day, the old Danielle would be tearing it up weaving in and out of trees, off roading it and trying to tire burn up to Chris’s wheel. It was then, when I saw a sign up ahead that my little voice on my left shoulder said “Danielle, DO IT…see if you can book it and make it under that sign..let’s go, pick up some speed.” Nope I drove past that sign riding the brakes and feeling sad for myself that I felt so shitty or that maybe I just sucked at being pregnant. As that sign drew further in the distance, so did my ego. I said to myself “ Wow I used to be a badass” and I was in shock, I couldn’t believe how much I have changed in such a short time. Not just skipping out on “sign ducking”, but in those last two months I was truly not my self and it was really playing a hit to my ego.
When Chris came back to check on me I hollered out to him “ I used to be a badass”, he laughed and I told him that my book would be called ‘I used to be a badass’, as I knew every women could relate.
I didn’t know if I would write a book or a blog I just knew I would write.
Niagara On the Lake October 2016
I have had some controversy about the name of my blog, some emails, messages and comments telling me I am still a badass and even more of one now carrying two babies in me. First off THANK YOU, I needed to hear every single one of those comments because until I reached out to all of you through this blog, I was feeling like I had lost myself a bit. Hence the reason I believe I started writing this blog in the first place. You made me realize that yes I am a new kind of badass and that ya all the things I used to be badass’y with might not be all that important right now. Now there are new things and so much ahead of me that will take my badass needs to a whole new level.
So my bodies keeping me from unleashing the streets, hoping fences, skateboarding or paddle boarding in the middle of the winter. But I will have it back, I have 3.5 months to go and when these babies come out into the world I will do and be as badass as before and then some.
I will kick my clients butt’s on the hillside with two babies on my back, I will make killer workout videos using two babies as my weights. I will teach them to skate, SUP and unleash the streets. I have always wanted to try parkour, maybe something we take up together, the twins and I.
Now a few months, many dreams, people’s predictions and a few needle & thread tests later we now know what these two little babies are.
Rya opened the two envelops at dinner the other night with our two families over and mom on skype. We are so stoked to announce that we will be having two beautiful little girls!
I filmed it so I could share it with you here if you are interested in watching!
Email me (Danielle Chevalier) if you wanna talk mama stuff or share your story with me: adrenalinefit@gmail.com
I’ve been posting boot camp related videos to my AXFIT youtube channel for over 8 years now! My passion is sharing and inspiring trainers around the world. I share my training style, which i’m truly honoured has become known as “The AXFIT Training Style”, which was born out of my journey to give clients a fun, efficient, and no-nonsense workout that builds real results.